Hardspace: Shipbreaker - Original Soundtrack
Original Soundtrack
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Du folk acoustique gratté aux mélodies éthérées au synthé, la BO de Hardspace: Shipbreaker vous emmènera dans un voyage musical, des chantiers de récupération en orbite terrestre aux routes poussiéreuses de la ceinture d’astéroïdes et au-delà.
Détails des produits
- Labour of Love - 2:43
- Suthern Gothic - 3:32
- The Traveler - 2:54
- Project L - 3:18
- Roots Song - 3:03
- The Miners - 4:07
- Gold Digger - 2:37
- Roots Song (Alt Version) - 3:01
- Red Sunset - 3:18
- One Day Longer - 3:06
- Crow's Feet - 3:14
- Holding On - 2:53
- Long Road - 4:07
- Hitched High Rail - 3:16
- Salvation - 3:17
- Frontierbound - 3:15
- Labour of Love (Tension Remix) - 2:44
- Suthern Gothic (Tension Remix) - 3:32
- The Traveler (Tension Remix) - 2:53
- Project L (Tension Remix) - 3:27
- Roots Song (Tension Remix) - 3:02
- The Miners (Tension Remix) - 4:07
- Gold Digger (Tension Remix) - 2:37
- Roots Song (Alt Version) (Tension Remix) - 3:00
- Red Sunset (Tension Remix) - 3:19
- One Day Longer (Tension Remix) - 3:08
- Crow's Feet (Tension Remix) - 3:14
- Holding On (Tension Remix) - 2:55
- Long Road (Tension Remix) - 4:06
- Hitched High Rail (Tension Remix) - 3:14
- Salvation (Tension Remix) - 3:16
- Frontierbound (Tension Remix) - 3:18
- Opening Cinematic - 1:55
- HAB Window View - 2:26
- Ship Doctor - 1:24
- Everwork Theme - 2:49
- Closing Cinematic - 3:51
- Helmet Bump Rock - 1:23
- Helmet Bump Beethoven - 1:09
- Helmet Bump Big Band - 1:08
- Helmet Bump Boogie Woogie - 1:12
- Helmet Bump Hoeddown - 1:11
- Apartment From Hell - 1:32
Ceci est du contenu supplémentaire pour Hardspace: Shipbreaker. Le jeu de base n'est pas inclus.
©2020 Hardspace: Shipbreaker, a game developed by Blackbird Interactive and published by Focus Home Interactive
Musique -
Blackbird Interactive -
Focus Entertainment -