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My Time At Sandrock - Original Soundtrack

Original Soundtrack

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Bienvenue dans la bande originale de My Time at Sandrock ! Cette bande sonore vous offrira une expérience d'écoute délicieuse et vous transportera dans un voyage à travers la ville désertique.

3,99 €
Bienvenue dans la bande originale de My Time at Sandrock ! Cette bande sonore vous offrira une expérience d'écoute délicieuse et vous transportera dans un voyage à travers la ville désertique.

  1. Sandrock (旅途) - 3:36
  2. Spring Forward (惬意春日) - 6:12
  3. New Life in the Desert (春风和气) - 3:10
  4. Bloom in the Dark (静谧春夜) - 7:00
  5. A Summer of Possibilities (夏日轻歌) - 6:57
  6. Dog Days of Summer (晚夏夕阳) - 6:51
  7. A Summer's Respite (凉闲夏夜) - 3:15
  8. Leaves into Sand (农忙深秋) - 5:20
  9. Autumnal Brilliance (丰收之秋) - 6:28
  10. Dream of Autumn Leaves (秋夜入梦) - 7:49
  11. Winter through the Window (清雪暖冬) - 6:12
  12. A Bright Winter Day (闲逸孟冬) - 3:14
  13. Full Moon over a Salted Dune (温情冬夜) - 8:07
  14. A Harsh Environment (飞沙走砾) - 3:02
  15. Day of Memories Theme (追忆日) - 2:10
  16. Chase of Memories (你躲我藏) - 0:56
  17. All In (决斗到天亮) - 1:35
  18. Technocrat (背水一战) - 1:06
  19. Robot Rumble (机关重重) - 1:17
  20. Remnants of a Future Past (危机四伏) - 0:55
  21. One-way Ticket (决胜时刻) - 1:10
  22. Belly of the Beast (怪兽腹穴) - 1:35
  23. Fight Your Way Out! (地铁激战) - 1:10
  24. Ravenous Critters (野兽围攻) - 1:08
  25. A Journey Begins (新的冒险) - 3:16
  26. Digging into the Past (探幽索胜) - 2:20
  27. Where the Heart Is (闲适小家) - 3:04
  28. Commissions, Commissions! (订单,越多越好!) - 2:36
  29. Once in a Blue Moon (驿站小坐) - 2:39
  30. Reflections of Light (光明之地) - 1:00
  31. A Warm Visit (温馨探访) - 2:30
  32. More than Meets the Eye… (洞察秋毫) - 1:04
  33. Day of the Bright Sun Theme (黎明之日) - 3:04
  34. Running of the Yakmel Theme (逗牛节) - 0:36
  35. Saddle on Yakback (美食对对撞) - 0:37
  36. Winter Solstice Theme (冬日节) - 1:55
  37. Shipwreck Ruins (沉船迷踪) - 1:04
  38. Battle on the Brig (船舱鏖战) - 0:58
  39. Back Against the Wall (野性勃发) - 0:33
  40. The Outlaw (搏战沙匪) - 1:01
  41. From the Sky to Underground (发掘旧世界) - 1:44
  42. Launch Delayed (过去与未来) - 1:28
  43. The Tiger's Den (深入虎穴) - 1:43
  44. The Ultimate Weapon (存亡一战) - 0:56
  45. Rediscovery (沉睡的秘密) - 1:04
  46. Biohazard (生物危机) - 0:52
  47. Biohazard Sequel (意外一战) - 1:44
  48. Birthplace of Invention (科学气息) - 1:28
  49. 49Sandrock Wedding in E (幸福的开始) - 0:30
  50. Cradle of Green (静静生长) - 0:48
  51. Time Well Spent (圆满落幕) - 2:08
  52. Holy Whac-a-moley (鼠鼠大作战) - 1:08
  53. Not Sandsledding, Sandrunning! (金沙飞舞) - 0:32
  54. Hoedown at High Noon (手舞足蹈) - 1:07
  55. Hoedown Throwdown (节奏达人) - 0:54
  56. Grabulous Prizes (宇宙淘金) - 0:56
  57. Mahjong and Chill (惬意麻将) - 0:58
  58. Punch-out (拳拳高分) - 0:55
  59. Adventure within an Adventure (冒险旅程) - 0:37

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Ceci est du contenu supplémentaire pour My Time at Sandrock. Le jeu de base n'est pas inclus.
©2023 My Time at Sandrock, a game developed by Pathea Games and published by Pathea Games, Focus Entertainment, PM Studio, and DMM Studio. Their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks. All rights reserved.
ARTISTE :Claude Ruelle; Helin
COMPOSITEUR :Claude Ruelle; Helin
LABEL :Pathea Games
  • Genre
  • Développeur
    Pathea Games
  • Éditeur
    Focus Entertainment
  • SKU